Ms. Martha shares a story titled "Ethan the Brave Dog." It was written and illustrated by Joi Boakye, from Sewell's Point Elementary in Norfolk.
Families across Suffolk are following the adventures of a beloved hamster this month as part of the All Suffolk Reads program.
Celebrate Halloween and the fall season with these scare-free and informative videos and activities for grades preK through high school.
Through its relatable stories, characters, and messages, Carl the Collector showcases and celebrates our differences and commonalities, and that we all have something unique to offer.
Ms. Martha shares a story titled, "I Am Special." It was written by Lauryn Vernon, from Chesapeake, VA.
Ms. Martha Reads a story titled "The Nicest Horse." It was written and illustrated by Jaydan Theus from Point O View Elementary School in Virginia Beach.
The 34th annual Virginia Children's Festival returns to Norfolk this weekend, and WHRO Public Media will be there contributing to the fun.