“They're tapping into the HBCUs, recognizing that this is something that definitely has legs and we can run with it,” said women’s club coach Richard Linyear.
The Pulitzer-Prize-winning play reimagines Shakespeare's tragedy at a Southern family barbecue.
King’s youngest daughter spoke about the power of forgiveness, nonviolent activism and generational struggles for social justice.
Hunt Military Communities becomes more hands-on as the Navy ramps up effort to privatize barracks housing.
Virginia is known as a “buyer beware” state, meaning prospective buyers are tasked with doing their own due diligence on many aspects, including flood risk.
The Virginia International Tattoo will also showcase the first in a two-part series about the years leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission board approved “resilient design standards” advising local governments to factor in increases in rainfall and sea level.
The project, called an “environmental justice incubator,” is working with historically Black communities on Norfolk’s Southside.
Norfolk’ International's ninth carrier comes after having record-breaking traffic numbers for the third consecutive year.
Jill Winkowski and Prue Salasky are “word nerds” who met in an Old Dominion University syntax class.