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From the CEO - March 2018

That’s one thing I love about public media. Much of what we do is centered on helping others learn or expand their perspectives. One of our board members recently summed up our work quite well with this statement: “WHRO doesn’t just entertain, it engages the brain!”

For many of us, thinking about learning conjures up memories of chalkboards and overhead projectors. Most of us didn’t have the media-rich classrooms found in schools today. As a media company, we enjoy helping local educators add media to their classrooms via the videos and interactive lessons that we furnish through eMediaVA. WHRO provides access to more than 125,000 of these learning objects to every public, private, and homeschooler in Virginia – all for free.

But learning new things isn’t just for kids. I am proud of the many ways public media helps us adults “engage our brains” as well. From informative news shows like PBS NewsHour or riveting documentaries from Independent Lens to programs like NOVA that explore groundbreaking science, WHRO TV offers plenty of opportunities for all of us to learn something we didn’t know before. Whether exploring history, science, technology, or social issues, these programs seek to do more than just entertain; they aim to enlighten as well.

I often hear from viewers about how much they appreciate our programming, and I’d love to hear from many of you this month. March 3 starts our first TV pledge drive of 2018. It is only with your support that we are able to provide the thought-provoking programs you enjoy. And we have some great ones lined up for this pledge drive! Music fans will enjoy three new programs throughout the week featuring the work of renowned artists: Jimmy Buffett: Buried Treasure, The Rolling Stones: Sticky Fingers at the Fonda Theatre, and Queen: Rock the World. We will also re-air the fascinating documentary that debuted last month, Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Black Colleges and Universities about the pivotal role these institutions have played over the course of 150 years in American history. Lastly, we will feature a show about PBS legend Fred Rogers, of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, who would have been 90 years old on March 20.

I hope you will take a moment this month to Support What You Love by making a contribution, and tune in for these and other great programs. You may even learn something new!