NPR is undertaking a project to investigate the impact of new abortion laws taking effect across the country.
We are interested in personal stories. And we'd love to hear from health care providers as well. Yours may be about a serious decision you've had to make, a risk to your health, or even your life. Or it may illustrate the smaller, unexpected ways that these laws have affected your life or those of your patients.
Along the way, we're hoping to help people understand the breadth of these laws and how they're reshaping American life now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned.
Do you have a story to tell about something that happened to you because of your state's abortion laws? Submit your story in the form below or here, and we may contact you to learn more.
Your submission will be governed by our general Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . As the Privacy Policy says, we want you to be aware that there may be circumstances in which the exemptions provided under law for journalistic activities or freedom of expression may override privacy rights you might otherwise have. We will not use your submission in our story until we have communicated with you and obtained your consent to use the details that will be published.
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