Liam Gallagher, formally of Oasis and John Squire, formally of The Stone Roses are responsible for at least one classic album each and on their first collaboration they combine the best bits of both bands into a set of new originals that begs the question, what took them so long?
With Gallagher’s sneering vocals and Squire’s over the top guitar pyrotechnics they forge a new definition of psychedelic glam rock. Even when the lyrics become rather trite, Gallagher’s convincing delivery make it seem like he can get away with anything.
Both artists are responsible for “The Manchester Sound” in the nineties and Gallagher admits that much of the music Oasis made was directly influenced by The Stone Roses. Gallagher’s fan-boy attitude no doubt inspired Squire’s fantastic guitar breaks to even greater heights.
While none of these songs come close to the work they have done with their original bands “Liam Gallagher John Squire,” despite it’s unimaginative title, goes a long way to contributing to their enduring legacies.