WHRO sent a candidate questionnaire to every General Assembly candidate running to represent Hampton Roads districts.
As WHRO receives responses to the questionnaire, candidates will be added to this page.
District 70: Newport News
Michael Bartley, 45 Occupation: Aerospace engineer
Why are you running for your seat? I cannot sit idly by while the Commonwealth of Virginia treats the poor as criminals, the middle class as children and justice is only given to the rich.
A year after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, what is your stance on access to abortion services in Virginia? It should remain the same as before Roe v. Wade was overturned.
Does your platform on abortion procedures include other reproductive care like birth control, dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures or treatments of ectopic pregnancies? Birth control should be available over the counter without a prescription. Politicians should never be involved in medical decisions, only the doctor and the patient.
Do you support additional classes for public school students that have to do with the history of marginalized groups, such as Black history courses? Why or why not? Classes such as these should be made available to those who want to take them, but not required for graduation.
Should there be limitations on access to certain books and materials in school libraries and classrooms? If so, what are examples of limitations you support? Other than being age-appropriate, no, there should not be any limitations on what books are available in schools.
What is the role of parents in public education? Parents are currently the "red-headed stepchild" of public education. School boards treat them like petulant little children, principals ignore them and school districts make it nearly impossible for parents to transfer their children to schools that better meet their needs. I support "backpack funding" for children. This will allow the state to fund children, not school districts. The parents will then be able to send their child to schools that best meet their child's needs.
There’s been a rash of suicides on Naval installations in Virginia. While state lawmakers have a limited role in what happens on base, what can Virginia’s leaders do to address this problem? We can encourage our federal defense department to use their servicemen and women for defense instead of conquering and occupying countries all over the world.
With Virginia’s possible removal from RGGI, what other sources of funding can Hampton Roads look to in order to prepare for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding? Editor’s note: Editor’s note: Virginia regulators voted to formally remove the state from RGGI in June, after candidates first received this questionnaire. There are pending legal challenges to the decision. Virginia could establish “levy districts,” which predate the Army Corp of Engineers so that locals can decide the level of funding required to protect their lands.
What forms of clean energy do you support and how quickly do you think Virginia should transition to them and away from fossil fuels? I support all forms of energy and I will support externality taxes. All pollutions should be taxed based upon the damage that it causes. This will allow the price of polluting sources of power to be properly fixed. Renewable energies will be able to compete on the free market based on their economic viability, not based upon artificial subsidies.
According to a WHRO analysis that compares average income to average home prices, Hampton Roads housing is less affordable than any other metro area in Virginia. What can the state do to help people stay in or access safe, quality affordable housing? Liberalize zoning law in the state. The state can force municipalities to have more liberal zoning laws that will allow more housing to be developed. Supply and demand are what determine the price of houses and municipalities restricting the supply causes the prices to go up.
It’s long been said Hampton Roads should diversify its job market. What industries or areas should we target to create more mid- to high-paying jobs in the region and how can the state support that? The state can support jobs in Hampton Roads (along with the entire state) by ending corporate welfare and lowering corporate income tax. It is fundamentally unfair to tax profitable businesses and spend that money on their competitors. These corporate slush funds do not generate revenue, they just generate vacant buildings.
Shelly Simonds, 55 Occupation: Full-time delegate
Why are you running for your seat? I am seeking re-election to the House of Delegates in order to continue representing the Newport News and Hampton Roads communities.
A year after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, what is your stance on access to abortion services in Virginia? People don’t want politicians involved in their healthcare plain and simple. My constituents want their representatives to protect their access to abortion and (the) ability to make healthcare choices without interference from politicians because health care decisions should be made between women and their doctors, not legislators.
Does your platform on abortion procedures include other reproductive care like birth control, dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures or treatments of ectopic pregnancies? All successful nations recognize the importance and power of birth control for helping women and their families lead healthy, productive lives. Access to birth control is an essential part of ensuring that young women can achieve their educational and professional goals before starting a family and improves the economic outlook for everyone in society, especially our most vulnerable. The D&C procedure is a critical life-saving procedure performed for women experiencing miscarriage or ectopic pregnancies and should not be politicized. If we continue to drag the abortion issue out of the healthcare space and into the political space, doctors will hesitate to perform these life-saving measures due to the threat of personal and professional consequences. This could lead to an increase to the already astronomically high maternal mortality rate and will increasingly discourage medical students from going into women’s healthcare. These MAGA Republicans who insist on politicizing women’s healthcare in this way are not just putting other families at risk, but may also be putting their own families in danger because eventually their loved one won't be able to find an OBGYN to care for them when they need it the most.
Do you support additional classes for public school students that have to do with the history of marginalized groups, such as Black history courses? Why or why not? Yes, because we are doing a disservice to our students by teaching an edited version of history. Our students need to understand the full history of Virginia to move forward as a society.
Should there be limitations on access to certain books and materials in school libraries and classrooms? If so, what are examples of limitations you support? This debate is an example of the politicization of a core American value, the freedom to read and think what we want in a democracy. When politicians try to decide what books should be in a public library, they are denying other people their basic freedom to read and decide for themselves what is appropriate for their families. Legislators should not be making decisions about what we can and cannot read. Across Virginia, we’re seeing this politicization affect educational standards that have been in place for decades. Classic books that I remember loving and reading as a kid have been banned like “To Kill a Mockingbird,” “Macbeth,” “Beloved” and “Anne of Green Gables.”
What is the role of parents in public education? It’s so important for parents to be involved in their children’s education and join organizations like the PTA, as well as volunteer in their child’s classroom and help with homework. I am a former PTA President and educator. I emphatically encourage parents to get involved as much as possible in school and to work with their students’ teachers to ensure that our kids are best set up for success.
There’s been a rash of suicides on Naval installations in Virginia. While state lawmakers have a limited role in what happens on base, what can Virginia’s leaders do to address this problem? We need to invest in more community mental health services, so that Virginians across the Commonwealth — especially our military families — have access to the care they need so that we can prevent these tragedies from occurring.
With Virginia’s possible removal from RGGI, what other sources of funding can Hampton Roads look to in order to prepare for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding? Editor’s note: Virginia regulators voted to formally remove the state from RGGI in June, after candidates first received this questionnaire. There are pending legal challenges to the decision. Unfortunately, if Virginia leaves RGGI, there is no equal replacement funding to rely on to prepare for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding. RGGI has already generated over $650 million for resilience and energy efficiency projects. Leaving RGGI makes it harder for us to meet our clean energy goals and it makes it more difficult for us to fund and plan for the effects of our increasing weather emergencies. If the Youngkin administration follows through on their intentions to pull Virginia out of this agreement, it will damage Hampton Roads for years to come, limiting our ability to rebuild infrastructure and offer energy efficiency improvements to home owners, lowering the amount they have to spend on energy costs which means money in more people’s pockets.
What forms of clean energy do you support and how quickly do you think Virginia should transition to them and away from fossil fuels? I support wind, solar and thermal energy. I also believe the cheapest form of energy is the energy you save through energy efficiency and conservation initiatives, like the RGGI program.
According to a WHRO analysis that compares average income to average home prices, Hampton Roads housing is less affordable than any other metro area in Virginia. What can the state do to help people stay in or access safe, quality affordable housing? We have to take housing issues very seriously, especially in Hampton Roads and at the state level. A recent State of the Region study from ODU found that housing may be hampering our region’s return to full employment and economic development. We need to increase funding and incentives for building new housing in Hampton Roads, so that families can afford to live and work in the area. Additionally, I support in-fill development and changing our zoning so that we can increase population density in suburban areas.
It’s long been said Hampton Roads should diversify its job market. What industries or areas should we target to create more mid- to high-paying jobs in the region and how can the state support that? One of our most impressive industries on the Peninsula is our science and technology sector with the presence of NASA Langley, Newport News Shipbuilding and Jefferson Lab. As a member of the Education Committee I am pushing to support our technology sector by emphasizing STEM education in our schools and implementing requirements for computer science instruction. The General Assembly can also support our technology sector by providing seed funding to strengthen the Jefferson Lab request to build a $500 million federally funded construction project to build the world’s most modern supercomputing and data analysis facility.
Another potential growth sector for Hampton Roads is the development of advanced air mobility and companies that research unmanned aerial systems. The General Assembly can support this effort by putting a greater emphasis on business development in this area. I plan to sponsor legislation to create a new position of a “Drone Tzar” for the Commonwealth of Virginia to coordinate efforts in the area of unmanned vehicular system development.
Matt Waters, 56 Occupation: CEO of nonprofit consulting business
Matt Waters, 56 House District 70, Newport News Occupation: CEO of nonprofit consulting business
Why are you running for your seat? My top three priorities are focused on Education, Economic Opportunity and Medical Freedom. With the rise of technological advancements, education is portable and affordable. My priority is outcome--or, put another way, are our 28,000 K-12 public school children being given the best education? I think everyone agrees there is room for major improvement. I will also advocate that we expand and extend Enterprise Zones across the Newport News area, offering businesses unforeseen opportunities to invest, tax free, in our city. My third priority is lofty, that of introducing a Medical Freedom Amendment to our Constitution. Medical freedom is a fundamental right. While we all hold different views, protecting each other’s medical rights unifies, while allowing for diversity. Let’s respect, and protect, our medical rights.
A year after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade, what is your stance on access to abortion services in Virginia? I support the Governor's initiative to adopt liberal European democratic abortion standards, and drop the "abort live babies with heartbeats anytime anyplace anywhere" strategy adopted by the North Koreans, the Communist Chinese and the Democrat Party in America
. Editor’s note: According to the U.S Democratic Party’s official party platform, there is no explicit mention of abortions up until the time of birth. Less than 1% of all abortions performed in the United States in 2020 (the most recent year available) occurred after 21 weeks of pregnancy, according to the Centers for Disease Control. U.S. officials have reported instances of forced abortion in China, specifically against the Uyghur ethnic group, and some international media has reported on abortions taking place as late as six months into pregnancy, when fetal heartbeats are present. The U.S. State Department and United Nations have documented the practice of forced abortions in North Korea for several years, but have not provided details on what point during pregnancy those abortions happen.
Does your platform on abortion procedures include other reproductive care like birth control, dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures or treatments of ectopic pregnancies? No, I don't support Planned Parenthood or the views of its founder Margaret Sanger who gave speech at a women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey, and who, in a letter, said, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." Today, statistics tell us 40% of abortions are performed on Black women, who only make up 14% of the population.
Editor’s note: Birth control, D&C procedures and ectopic pregnancies are prescribed, carried out and treated in several medical settings, including hospitals. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger did give a speech to a women’s branch of the KKK, an experience she documented in her own autobiography. Sanger did, in fact, write in a letter she didn’t want “word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population,” but fact-checkers have determined she meant that it was a claim she feared, not one she planned to carry out. However, Sanger was a known eugenicist, who believed in ‘improving’ the human gene pool by encouraging reproduction among people who were deemed superior and discouraging reproduction among people considered inferior, which included people of color, people with disabilities and others.
Do you support additional classes for public school students that have to do with the history of marginalized groups, such as Black history courses? Why or why not? I support teaching the truth as truth, and theory as theory.
Should there be limitations on access to certain books and materials in school libraries and classrooms? If so, what are examples of limitations you support? We are faced with a failing education system that is failing our kids, and making it unsafe for teachers to teach. We need to protect teachers, students and parents, and we need to prioritize education in K-12; not anything-goes sex, not politics, not unions, not political correctness, etc. Teach the ABCs, not the LGBTQs. No place for it in K-12 education.
What is the role of parents in public education? Parents should have rights (they don't in my view), and they must bear the primary responsibility for raising their children. I would give parents who sign a Rights and Responsibilities Pledge student vouchers worth $20,000 per child to make educational choices for their children.
There’s been a rash of suicides on Naval installations in Virginia. While state lawmakers have a limited role in what happens on base, what can Virginia’s leaders do to address this problem? The suicide epidemic -- which represents close to 50% of "gun violence" stats in USA is not a problem easily solved via politics. Loneliness, depression, despair -- these are not in the purview of government. Solutions that work will come from outside the government--non-profits, churches, etc. Work with NPs and specifically churches, to address this situation.
With Virginia’s possible removal from RGGI, what other sources of funding can Hampton Roads look to in order to prepare for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding? Editor’s note: Virginia regulators voted to formally remove the state from RGGI in June, after candidates first received this questionnaire. There are pending legal challenges to the decision. I agree with Gov. Youngkin's decision to pull out of this; the risk taken here is between individuals and their private insurance companies. They both know well the risk and challenge of rising sea levels. That the government seeks to control a changing sea level, changing coast lines, etc., is the height of absurdity. Generally, in the contest between man and nature, nature wins.
What forms of clean energy do you support and how quickly do you think Virginia should transition to them and away from fossil fuels? I am generally a proponent of an “all of the above” approach to energy, with a leaning toward nuclear as the ultimate carbon-free energy producing technology. I think Virginia should move towards SMRs (small modular reactors), as the current Governor is doing, with a reasonable balance of other “renewables” such as wind and solar, but with the understanding that neither wind nor solar can provide the reliable “baseload” power that Virginia needs in the long term. This transition will not happen quickly, but if we start now, it could be accomplished in the next 10 to 15 years.
According to a WHRO analysis that compares average income to average home prices, Hampton Roads housing is less affordable than any other metro area in Virginia. What can the state do to help people stay in or access safe, quality affordable housing? Creating economic opportunities and better jobs and offering better educational options for K-12 education will help. I would also advocate granting married couples with children considerable tax relief--and pay married couples with children $3,000 annually per child until the child turns 18. I would also enact major economic empowerment zones for housing, thus incentivizing individuals to purchase houses tax-free for as long as they live in the home.
It’s long been said Hampton Roads should diversify its job market. What industries or areas should we target to create more mid- to high-paying jobs in the region and how can the state support that? 1. Sell. We need to go directly to Europe, to other U.S. states, Latin and South America, and sell Hampton Roads to allies.
2. Expand. Expand existing industry (ship building). I don't think the "state can support" this. … The government cannot give us all of the answers. I would counter that state regs, red tape, taxes, are the problem. We need to get the state out of the way, and empower and encourage local delegates and senators, who know their local industry, to champion and welcome new ideas from constituents.
District 71
Jessica Anderson, 41 Williamsburg Occupation: Public schools staff member
Why are you running for your seat? The 71st District deserves a Delegate who is committed to representing all who call our wonderful district home. The legislation that comes out of our state government often has the greatest impact on the lives of our citizens, whether we are funding local transportation projects, making it easier for small businesses to get established, or expanding access to health care. I’m looking forward to introducing thoughtful policy that ensures every person has an equal opportunity to thrive. A year after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade, what is your stance on access to abortion services in Virginia? I support the law of Roe as it currently stands in Virginia. If elected, I will continue to advocate for protecting our freedom to access abortion and other forms of reproductive health care. Does your platform on abortion procedures include other reproductive care like birth control, dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures or treatments of ectopic pregnancies? Yes. I am the only candidate for Delegate in the 71st District who is a champion for reproductive freedom. I believe that private, personal medical decisions are best made between a patient and their health care provider and that legislators have no business making laws that interfere with our right to our own bodily autonomy. Do you support additional classes for public school students that have to do with the history of marginalized groups, such as Black history courses? Why or why not? Our public schools do a wonderful job of providing a solid education to the majority of the school-aged children in our community. History curriculums should always give an accurate, objective portrayal of our nation’s history, including its treatment of marginalized groups and the fight for civil rights. I support providing our young people with additional educational opportunities that broadens their perspectives and allows them to think critically on the issues that have affected our society. Should there be limitations on access to certain books and materials in school libraries and classrooms? If so, what are examples of limitations you support? I do not support the banning of books in our public libraries. Parents have a responsibility to be actively involved in their children’s education, which includes determining what is appropriate for their own children to check out of the school library. I do not believe that one parent or family should be able to strip other parents and families ability to make decisions for their own children, and what they deem appropriate to read. This is an infringement on the rights of others and violates the Miller test, decided by the Supreme Court, that protects this type of literature. Editor’s note: The Miller Test is a method of determining if something can be labeled obscene. More information on the test is provided by the Department of Justice. What is the role of parents in public education? Parents have the right and responsibility to be actively involved in their child’s education and work closely with the educators, staff, and admin to ensure their child has the tools to be successful. For years, I have advocated for strengthening parent-teacher relationships, speaking at our local school board meetings, and have been an active member of the PTA for all 3 of my daughter’s schools for over 14 years. There’s been a rash of suicides on Naval installations in Virginia. While state lawmakers have a limited role in what happens on base, what can Virginia’s leaders do to address this problem? Virginia is in desperate need of additional funding for mental health care infrastructure, including long-term facilities and personnel who are equipped to deal with people in a crisis. Expanding access to health care, including mental health care, is a priority for me in the Virginia House of Delegates. All Virginians, especially those who serve in our military, deserve access to the care they need when they need it, and we need representatives that will make that a top priority. With Virginia’s possible removal from RGGI, what other sources of funding can Hampton Roads look to in order to prepare for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding? Editor’s note: Virginia regulators voted to formally remove the state from RGGI in June, after candidates first received this questionnaire. There are pending legal challenges to the decision. Governor Youngkin’s push to remove Virginia from RGGI was misguided and not in the best interest of everyday Virginians. Despite Republican refusal to accept the reality that climate change is not going away, we must continue to prepare communities, especially in coastal Virginia, to be resilient from the worst effects of rising sea levels and recurrent flooding. Infrastructure investments that strengthen our seawalls, add additional stormwater pumps, and upgrade our sewage systems are necessary. At the federal level, those serving in Congress need to advocate for increased funds from FEMA to tackle projects in the most challenging areas of Hampton Roads, particularly in Norfolk. The Virginia General Assembly can also allocate funds to city and county governments to administer projects locally that make a difference, to include the areas we see most impacted throughout the 71st District. Editor’s note: The Virginia Republican Party does not have a party platform that denies the existence of or impact of climate change. Anderson’s opponent, Republican Del. Amanda Batten, also has not publicly denied climate change. What forms of clean energy do you support and how quickly do you think Virginia should transition to them and away from fossil fuels? Climate scientists overwhelmingly agree that our climate is changing because of increased carbon emissions from human activities. I believe that we should take immediate action by not implementing any new sources of energy from fossil fuels so that we can divest from them and switch to renewable energy sources like wind, solar, geothermal, hydro power, etc. This process of switching from non-renewables to clean energy won’t happen overnight, so we need to make strategic investments to ensure we meet our energy demands while doing our part to curb carbon emissions. According to a WHRO analysis that compares average income to average home prices, Hampton Roads housing is less affordable than any other metro area in Virginia. What can the state do to help people stay in or access safe, quality affordable housing? All Virginians deserve the ability to live close to their place of employment in affordable housing that meets their needs. We have to take a serious look at how zoning ordinances in localities provide barriers to the construction of affordable housing, including multifamily housing projects. We can also look at amending the Code of Virginia to require that Virginia Housing-financed rental units set aside for low-income households charge rents that are affordable to households earning 80 percent and below area median income. It’s long been said Hampton Roads should diversify its job market. What industries or areas should we target to create more mid- to high-paying jobs in the region and how can the state support that? Virginia has the opportunity to be a leader in the clean energy sector. The addition of offshore wind off our coastline has been beneficial to both our economy and our goal of reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. The construction, placement, and continued maintenance of the wind turbines has brought thousands of good-paying jobs to the Commonwealth and created a sector of work and opportunity that never previously existed here in Virginia. We can replicate the success of our offshore wind projects by incentivizing companies to invest in solar farms and other renewable energy sources in Virginia. These companies will require jobs with a variety of skill levels and employ everyone from engineers to technicians in good-paying union jobs that build our middle class and create a more prosperous and sustainable future for all of us.
District 84
Nadarius Clark, 28 Chesapeake, Suffolk and Isle of Wight County Occupation: Mental Health Counselor
Why are you running for your seat? Born and raised in Hampton Roads, I'm running for office because we need an advocate for our community who will fight for everyday working families. I believe I have the energy, vision and experience needed to put people first. I'm not afraid to stand up to the special interests that dominate Richmond and, as a working-class delegate, I understand the economic struggles so many Virginians are going through in a way that uniquely qualifies me to take on the most pressing issues of our Commonwealth.
A year after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, what is your stance on access to abortion services in Virginia? Ever since the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade, Virginia has been teetering dangerously close to the elimination of one of our Commonwealth's most fundamental rights: the right to choose. In my first term as delegate I earned a 100% record protecting a woman’s right to choose and co-sponsored an amendment to defend reproductive rights in Virginia. I will continue fighting to ensure our rights cannot be taken away by extreme MAGA politicians trying to ban abortion in Virginia, the last southern state where it's legal.
Does your platform on abortion procedures include other reproductive care like birth control, dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures or treatments of ectopic pregnancies? I believe the decisions involved in reproductive care are best left to the patient and the doctor. I will work with my fellow legislators in Richmond to ensure that reproductive freedom is respected and honored.
Do you support additional classes for public school students that have to do with the history of marginalized groups, such as Black history courses? Why or why not? Absolutely. In order to tell the full history of our Commonwealth and our country, we must teach our students a clear and honest understanding of the history, cultural contributions and challenges faced by Black Virginians over the complicated history of our nation. It is essential for a complete and well-rounded education.
Should there be limitations on access to certain books and materials in school libraries and classrooms? If so, what are examples of limitations you support? I trust the hard-working teachers and librarians of the Virginia public school system(s) to choose materials that are age- and content-appropriate for children. They certainly know better than legislators.
What is the role of parents in public education? Parents have a critical role in public education. There are many avenues open for parents and teachers to feel empowered to work together in the interest of educating our children. We have to continue to invest in our public schools, and especially our local teachers, in order to provide our students and their families with the best opportunities possible.
There’s been a rash of suicides on Naval installations in Virginia. While state lawmakers have a limited role in what happens on base, what can Virginia’s leaders do to address this problem? Supporting veterans and the (Veterans Administration) is of utmost importance to me. As a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, I will work to improve the quality and accessibility of healthcare services for veterans. This includes supporting legislation that expands mental health resources, addresses the backlog of disability claims and increases funding for veterans' healthcare facilities. I will also advocate for job training programs and initiatives that help veterans transition to civilian life successfully.
With Virginia’s possible removal from RGGI, what other sources of funding can Hampton Roads look to in order to prepare for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding?Editor’s note: Editor’s note: Virginia regulators voted to formally remove the state from RGGI in June, after candidates first received this questionnaire. There are pending legal challenges to the decision. From the legislature! This should be a large part of the budget. That’s why it’s crucial that we elect delegates and senators who understand the real and imminent threat of climate change to both mitigate the catastrophic effects and prevent further rising temperatures through investment in renewable energy.
What forms of clean energy do you support and how quickly do you think Virginia should transition to them and away from fossil fuels? We need to aggressively diversify away from fossil fuels. I support further investment in solar and wind energy, and we desperately need to invest in green infrastructure–it doesn’t matter if you have an electric car if you can’t go anywhere with it because there are no reliable charging stations.
According to a WHRO analysis that compares average income to average home prices, Hampton Roads housing is less affordable than any other metro area in Virginia. What can the state do to help people stay in or access safe, quality affordable housing? Four of the top ten highest eviction cities in America are found in the Hampton Roads area. In 2022 and 2023 I introduced legislation to allow localities to base rent increase off inflation and support investments in public housing. Additionally, I support expanding tenants’ rights to ensure no Virginian is taken advantage of.
It’s long been said Hampton Roads should diversify its job market. What industries or areas should we target to create more mid- to high-paying jobs in the region and how can the state support that? There are so many ways we can approach economic growth and workforce diversity here in the 84th district. We can create thousands of good paying jobs by fully funding our schools to recruit and retain the best teachers for our Commonwealth. We can invest in our infrastructure and flood readiness to ensure we are prepared for rising sea levels across Hampton Roads while creating jobs at the same time. And we can invest in our communities' mental health by incentivizing growth in the mental health field by passing legislation like my 2023 bill HB1534 to forgive state-level student debt for mental health professionals who have worked in our Commonwealth for at least five years.
District 87
Jeion Ward, 69 Hampton Occupation: President of the Hampton Federation of Teachers, AFT Local 4260
Why are you running for your seat? I am running for re-election because I am deeply committed to serving and representing the interests of our community. Throughout my 20 years in the General Assembly, I have witnessed both the strengths and challenges that our community faces. I believe in the power of effective leadership to bring positive change and address these challenges head-on.
I remain dedicated to promoting policies that enhance public education, reduce the cost of quality healthcare, and remove barriers to economic opportunities and social equality. By running for re-election, I will contribute my experience, passion, and determination to create a brighter future for everyone in our district.
A year after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, what is your stance on access to abortion services in Virginia? In a post-Roe v. Wade landscape, my stance on access to abortion services in Virginia remains rooted in the principles of reproductive rights, individual freedom, and healthcare equity. I firmly believe that every woman should have the right to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, in consultation with their medical professionals and based on their personal circumstances.
Does your platform on abortion procedures include other reproductive care like birth control, dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures or treatments of ectopic pregnancies? I am committed to ensuring that access to safe and legal reproductive health services is available to all Virginians who may need them. I support policies that protect and expand access to comprehensive healthcare, including family planning and reproductive services. This encompasses a range of vital reproductive care, such as birth control options to prevent unintended pregnancies, dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures when medically necessary, and treatments for ectopic pregnancies that prioritize the well-being of patients.
Do you support additional classes for public school students that have to do with the history of marginalized groups, such as Black history courses? Why or why not? Absolutely. The history of Black Virginians is an integral part of our state's rich and diverse heritage, and it is essential that we provide comprehensive education that reflects the contributions and struggles of marginalized groups. Offering courses focused on the Black experience and the histories of other marginalized communities promotes a more inclusive and accurate understanding of our past.
Should there be limitations on access to certain books and materials in school libraries and classrooms? If so, what are examples of limitations you support? I trust parents to make the right decisions for what is appropriate reading material for their children. What is available to students should not be influenced by right-wing forces trying to bring censorship into the classroom.
What is the role of parents in public education? Over the years of serving as the President of the Hampton Federation of Teachers I have seen first-hand the vital role the parents play in public education. As a past board member of the PTA, I was proud to send all three of my children through Hampton City Schools and always felt my voice as a parent was heard and respected by the school division.
I believe there are effective policies which can foster collaboration between parents and teachers, but I will always advocate for policies that prioritize students' well-being and educational excellence.
There’s been a rash of suicides on Naval installations in Virginia. While state lawmakers have a limited role in what happens on base, what can Virginia’s leaders do to address this problem? We must address this grave issue by increasing mental health resources, promoting educational campaigns to reduce stigma, and fostering partnerships between state agencies, mental health organizations, and the Navy. Additionally, it is imperative we support policies that enhance veteran transition programs, family support initiatives, and crisis intervention training for first responders. Through these efforts, I believe Virginia can create a comprehensive and collaborative approach to address this critical concern.
With Virginia’s possible removal from RGGI, what other sources of funding can Hampton Roads look to in order to prepare for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding? Editor’s note: Virginia regulators voted to formally remove the state from RGGI in June, after candidates first received this questionnaire. There are pending legal challenges to the decision. I do not believe Governor Youngkin has the authority to withdraw Virginia from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), and I firmly oppose the idea of seeking an alternative funding source for Hampton Roads' flooding and resiliency programs that are currently supported by RGGI. I commend the efforts of environmental and climate groups challenging this overreach in court and anticipate a decision that upholds Virginia's participation in RGGI.
The existing funds generated by RGGI have already made a significant impact on resilience projects, with over $9 million allocated across 7 projects in the City of Hampton thus far. It is imperative we continue to harness RGGI's resources to safeguard our communities, foster environmental protection, ensure the security of Virginia residents, and bring down costs for hardworking Virginia families.
What forms of clean energy do you support and how quickly do you think Virginia should transition to them and away from fossil fuels? I wholeheartedly support a diverse portfolio of clean energy sources for Virginia's future. This includes offshore and land-based wind energy, solar power, and nuclear energy. To achieve a swift transition away from fossil fuels, Virginia should embrace these renewable and low-carbon energy technologies.
The transition timeline should be as expedited as possible while ensuring a reliable energy supply for critical sectors such as the military and large employers in our community. It's essential to balance the urgency of addressing climate change with the need to maintain energy security. By investing in clean energy infrastructure, promoting energy efficiency, and fostering innovation, we can accelerate this transition responsibly. Virginia has the potential to lead the way in sustainable energy practices, benefiting both our environment and our economy.
According to a WHRO analysis that compares average income to average home prices, Hampton Roads housing is less affordable than any other metro area in Virginia. What can the state do to help people stay in or access safe, quality affordable housing? To address rising housing prices in Hampton Roads, we must expand affordable housing programs, incentivize responsible development with housing tax credits, and implement inclusionary zoning policies. It's also crucial we bolster tenant protections and reduce regulatory barriers while also encouraging the establishment of community land trusts.
Additionally, I introduced and successfully passed legislation creating the Tenant Bill of Rights, ensuring tenants have access to clear information about their rights and responsibilities under the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act. This empowers tenants and strengthens their position in rental agreements. Ultimately, addressing housing affordability requires a collaborative effort involving state, local, and private sector partners to provide safe, quality, and affordable housing for the residents of Hampton Roads.
It’s long been said Hampton Roads should diversify its job market. What industries or areas should we target to create more mid- to high-paying jobs in the region and how can the state support that? To diversify Hampton Roads' job market, we must strategically target key industries: technology and innovation, clean energy, defense and cybersecurity, healthcare, tourism and hospitality, and advanced manufacturing. We should invest in workforce development, enhance infrastructure, provide research funding, and offer targeted tax incentives. Collaboration between government, industry, and academia is paramount to drive innovation and economic growth. This approach will lead to a more resilient and prosperous job market for our region.
District 90
Jeremy Rodden, 41 Chesapeake Occupation: Chief Information Officer at the City of Portsmouth
Why are you running for your seat? I am running for this office because I feel that many people in my district feel ignored by the current representatives and that their issues are not adequately being addressed. Instead, many feel that the current representative is more interested in protecting the profits of big businesses and corporations instead of serving the citizens of Southern Chesapeake. I wanted to give people a choice to vote for someone who shares their values and concerns about the future of our region.
A year after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade, what is your stance on access to abortion services in Virginia? Abortion bans are fundamentally problematic as they are an attempt to legislate medical care. Medical care needs to be decided between a patient and their provider. This includes abortion care and any other reproductive healthcare choices. Creating black-and-white legislative limitations to appropriate healthcare puts patients at risk because their physicians have to worry more about the legal implications of their medical decisions as opposed to providing the most appropriate healthcare for the patient in front of them.
As the spouse of a physician and woman who has personally experienced second-trimester missed abortions, I know first-hand that medical providers need to be able to offer the most appropriate medical care without fear of legal issues or else patient outcomes will suffer.
Does your platform on abortion procedures include other reproductive care like birth control, dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures or treatments of ectopic pregnancies? As stated above, all of these are appropriate medical care and should not be legislated by federal or state governments. They should remain decisions between a patient and provider.
Do you support additional classes for public school students that have to do with the history of marginalized groups, such as Black history courses? Why or why not? Absolutely. We need to offer a wide variety of courses for our diverse and ever-growing student body to prepare them to be effective participants in society once they are finished with school. The number one purpose of public education is to make sure that our students are prepared to be engaged, compassionate citizens with the tools to contribute to society in whichever way they decide and in order to do that they need to experience a wide variety of courses, including exposure to the history and culture of groups other than the ones they belong to.
Should there be limitations on access to certain books and materials in school libraries and classrooms? If so, what are examples of limitations you support? This is a decision that needs to be handled at the lowest level possible. The federal or state government has no business involving itself in blanket censorship. Each local community in the form of school districts needs to be able to make its own decisions on what material is appropriate in the schools. There needs to be a transparent process including the ability for parents/guardians to express concern about material in each school district as well as the ability for parents to opt-out of any material they do not want their children to access. Attempting to legislate morality at a state or federal level is inherently un-American and breeds censorship and authoritarianism.
What is the role of parents in public education? Parents are and need to be partners in public education. While the teachers are the experts in material and curriculum, parents are the experts on their children. True holistic education includes a partnership between parents and the schools where neither side outright has the ability to dictate terms to the other without collaboration.
That being said, parents are the final decision makers of what their children should and shouldn't have access to. They should have, and do have, access to opt-out programs for material they find questionable but this should only be for their own children and not all children in the form of censorship.
There’s been a rash of suicides on Naval installations in Virginia. While state lawmakers have a limited role in what happens on base, what can Virginia’s leaders do to address this problem? Ensuring we have funding for mental health resources throughout the Commonwealth will help all of our citizens, including our military personnel stationed in Virginia. We need to stop paying lip service to this idea and open up the purse to fund more and better mental health services, targeting the areas who have the largest issues first.
With Virginia’s possible removal from RGGI, what other sources of funding can Hampton Roads look to in order to prepare for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding? Editor’s note: Virginia regulators voted to formally remove the state from RGGI in June, after candidates first received this questionnaire. There are pending legal challenges to the decision. First, I would say we should not be removed from RGGI to begin with. It is a fundamentally strong source of resources to help with an issue that will quickly become the top concern for Hampton Roads in the coming years.
Secondly, we need to further build on partnerships with the same companies that pushed back against RGGI to ensure that, if we do leave the agreement, we can continue to provide those funds in other ways.
What forms of clean energy do you support and how quickly do you think Virginia should transition to them and away from fossil fuels? Wind, solar, and nuclear energy are the best options we have to continue our transition from fossil fuels. While nuclear is sometimes unpopular due to the concerns about safety and storage of depleted materials, we also know that it is one of the best renewable energy resources we have access to. Our continued expansion to wind and solar is important, but will not likely provide all of the energy we need to be able to replace fossil fuels completely.
According to a WHRO analysis that compares average income to average home prices, Hampton Roads housing is less affordable than any other metro area in Virginia. What can the state do to help people stay in or access safe, quality affordable housing? Subsidizing housing in low-income areas and ensuring that an appropriate percentage of new residential buildings are built as affordable housing would be huge. Unfortunately, this is often considered more of a municipal issue than a state level issue. However, that does not mean that the state can't find ways to help and encourage municipalities with incentivization programs to expand affordable building as opposed to luxury housing.
This is especially prevalent in Southern Chesapeake where we have had rampant and reckless overdevelopment resulting in luxury residential building instead of affordable housing building.
It’s long been said Hampton Roads should diversify its job market. What industries or areas should we target to create more mid- to high-paying jobs in the region and how can the state support that? Agritourism is one that has been encouraged, especially in our rural/agricultural areas that are disappearing due to rezoning and development. We need to find a way to make farming more profitable and continue the rich history of Virginia's family farming heritage instead of losing that land or letting large businesses or outside interests like China purchase up our land and reduce the amount of profit that goes back into our community instead of being outsourced from them.
Editor’s Note: Most Chinese land purchases in Virginia happened a decade ago. Most of the land owned by Chinese companies in Virginia are connected to Smithfield Foods.
District 91
Cliff Hayes, 55 Chesapeake and Portsmouth Occupation: Educator and author
Why are you running for your seat? I was first elected to the General Assembly in 2016. Before being chosen to serve in this capacity, I served two terms with the Chesapeake City Council. I am running for re-election to the Virginia House of Delegates so that I can continue the good fight representing the good and gracious people of a community in which my wife, our children, our parents and I (were) born – Chesapeake and Portsmouth. I’m blessed to serve on key committees and commissions. Those roles have proven to be strategic and bountiful for the district.
Currently, I serve on Appropriations; Appropriations - Higher Education; Health, Welfare, and Institutions; Commerce and Energy; Joint Commission on Technology and Science (Chairman); Data Advisory Commission (Chairman); and the Commission on Early Childhood Care and Education.
A year after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, what is your stance on access to abortion services in Virginia? I do not believe politicians should be making personal decisions between a doctor and their patient. Virginia remains one of a few southern states that protects that right. Our state should continue to be a leader in this fight.
Does your platform on abortion procedures include other reproductive care like birth control, dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures or treatments of ectopic pregnancies? Candidate did not provide an answer.
Do you support additional classes for public school students that have to do with the history of marginalized groups, such as Black history courses? Why or why not? A full, and complete, account of history should be taught in public school. It is the only way to build on the strengths of our nation and avoid the pitfalls of our sins as a nation.
Should there be limitations on access to certain books and materials in school libraries and classrooms? If so, what are examples of limitations you support? Lately, there has been much to be said about the limitations on certain books in our libraries and classrooms. I believe that we have intelligent, thoughtful, experienced educators that are administrators of our public education systems. Their focus should be on providing optimum educational opportunities for our youth so that they can learn and flourish as productive citizens.
What is the role of parents in public education? The role that my wife and I have played in our daughters' educations is what we believe is the most effective role of parents in their child's education. It is important for parents to be engaged in their child's education, including participating in the PTA. However, the school district needs to incorporate all parents' perspectives, as well as all students' perspectives. It is most important that we allow the trained professional educators to establish models for an optimum world-class educational experience.
There’s been a rash of suicides on Naval installations in Virginia. While state lawmakers have a limited role in what happens on base, what can Virginia’s leaders do to address this problem? We need to continue the investments we are making in mental health support. But, we also need to shed light on the harsh behavior and traditions of hazing. We need to enhance processes established that protect all participants.
With Virginia’s possible removal from RGGI, what other sources of funding can Hampton Roads look to in order to prepare for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding? Editor’s note: Virginia regulators voted to formally remove the state from RGGI in June, after candidates first received this questionnaire. There are pending legal challenges to the decision. First, we need to make it clear that Virginia has received over $650 Million because of RGGI. Secondly, because of the shift in posture regarding RGGI, we need to seek every funding source available to us as a region. There is no secret that we are surrounded by water in Hampton Roads and have an abundance of low-lying areas. We need to continue to seek state and federal funding sources like Effects of Sea Level Rise as an alternative. Recurrent flooding negatively affects our economy, transportation networks, education systems, health care systems and getting product to market.
What forms of clean energy do you support and how quickly do you think Virginia should transition to them and away from fossil fuels? I (was) happy to be the sponsor of HB 1664 of the 2020 General Assembly Session. My bill authorized the offshore wind off the coast of Virginia Beach and North Carolina. Needless to say, I am a proponent of offshore wind, solar energy and other forms of clean energy.
According to a WHRO analysis that compares average income to average home prices, Hampton Roads housing is less affordable than any other metro area in Virginia. What can the state do to help people stay in or access safe, quality affordable housing? The state can encourage the construction of more homes, more densely populated housing projects, invest in housing programs and direct aid.
It’s long been said Hampton Roads should diversify its job market. What industries or areas should we target to create more mid- to high-paying jobs in the region and how can the state support that? There is no question that Hampton Roads needs to continue the pursuit for diversification of our job market. With the growing demands in an age of the Internet of Things and Internet of Everything, we need to invest in our high-speed internet infrastructure. With our major research institutions of higher learning, we should encourage investment in data science, chip manufacturing, processing and computing power, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and becoming a Global Internet Hub. In addition, we'll need real investments in offshore wind manufacturing and maintenance, as well. The commonwealth needs to invest in these disciplines and so much more.
District 93
Jackie Glass, 39 Norfolk Occupation: Creative director and consultant
Why are you running for your seat?
A year after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade, what is your stance on access to abortion services in Virginia? Guaranteeing access to safe and legal abortion is of utmost importance in upholding reproductive health and the right to make thoughtful decisions regarding one's own body. Decision-making responsibility must stay within the realm of the pregnant individual, in close partnership with their trusted healthcare professional.
Enabling individuals to be proactive in directing their medical choices throughout every phase of pregnancy aligns with the core values of personal empowerment and self-determination. Public officials have a responsibility to prioritize the welfare, personal liberties, and autonomy of every individual, refraining from attempts to exert authority over deeply personal and medical choices that rightfully belong to each person.
Does your platform on abortion procedures include other reproductive care like birth control, dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures or treatments of ectopic pregnancies? Yes
Do you support additional classes for public school students that have to do with the history of marginalized groups, such as Black history courses? Why or why not? I support the availability and inclusion of additional classes in public schools focusing on the history of marginalized groups, including Black history courses.
Offering courses exploring marginalized groups' history and contributions helps create a more inclusive and diverse educational environment. It acknowledges these communities' rich cultural heritage and achievements while promoting a sense of belonging among students from these backgrounds.
Unfortunately, history belongs to those who can pay for it and those who write the textbooks. This means traditional history curricula often focus on a narrow perspective, omitting the experiences and contributions of marginalized communities. Including specialized courses allows for a more accurate and comprehensive portrayal of history.
These courses empower scholars by giving them a deeper understanding of their cultural heritage and history. I don’t underestimate the value of representation. They can also boost scholars' self-esteem and provide them with positive role models from their own community's history.
Most importantly, learning about the struggles and achievements of marginalized groups can foster empathy and understanding among students from different backgrounds, contributing to a more tolerant and inclusive society.
In an increasingly diverse society, it is essential that students are educated about the historical context of social issues related to race, ethnicity, and identity. This knowledge equips them to be informed and engaged citizens who can work toward social justice and equity. Many students graduate from school with limited knowledge of non-European-centered cultures. Specialized courses can help address this educational gap.
Should there be limitations on access to certain books and materials in school libraries and classrooms? If so, what are examples of limitations you support? Whether there should be limitations on access to certain books and materials in school libraries and classrooms is a complex and debated issue. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as it depends on various factors, including the age and maturity of the students, community values, and educational goals.
The "why" behind limiting access matters. We should actively include a wide range of voices and perspectives in our collections, promoting inclusivity and diversity while ensuring that content is mature and age-appropriate.
Rather than banning materials, educators can use controversial or challenging content as an opportunity to teach critical thinking skills, encouraging students to analyze and discuss what they read.
Ultimately, believe I the goal should be to strike a balance between providing access to a wide range of materials that enrich students' learning experiences and ensuring that materials align with educational goals and the needs of the school community.
What is the role of parents in public education? The role of parents/guardians in public education is multifaceted and crucial to the success of the educational system. Specifically, parentship means partnership with schools. It’s advocating for our children's educational needs, adequate resources, funding, and policies that benefit all scholars in public education. We play a significant role in fostering a love of learning at home.
We are co-parenting with educators, so open and effective communication between parents and teachers is vital, as well as instilling values such as respect, responsibility, and a strong work ethic in our children. All of these values contribute to a positive school culture and a conducive learning environment. It’s our job.
We are responsible for ensuring our little citizens attend school regularly and arrive on time. Most importantly, our role in public education is to nurture a growth mindset in children, where they believe in their ability to learn and improve.
In essence, as parents, we are integral stakeholders in the public education system. Our active involvement, advocacy, and support contribute to the overall success and well-being of students and the broader educational community.
There’s been a rash of suicides on Naval installations in Virginia. While state lawmakers have a limited role in what happens on base, what can Virginia’s leaders do to address this problem? It never escapes my awareness that these lives lost were not just statistics but our neighbors and community members, regardless of whether they were passing through our area. If we take intentional proactive steps and collaborate across state and federal lines, we can work towards a future where the alarming rise in suicides on Naval installations is a tragic chapter of the past, rather than an ongoing crisis.
Some actions we can pursue at the state level are:
Significantly enhancing mental health support services for military personnel, veterans, and their families. This includes advocating for increased funding for mental health programs, expanding access to counseling services, and actively working to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues;
Engaging proactively with our federal counterparts to foster collaboration on suicide prevention initiatives. When we choose to join forces, we can develop a more comprehensive and effective approach to addressing this crisis in the Commonwealth;
Work in tandem with federal agencies to gather and meticulously analyze data related to suicides on Naval bases. This data can provide invaluable insights for tailoring intervention strategies and allocating state military and veteran resources effectively.
It can't be overstated that we have a limited role in what happens on base. As state legislators, we can advocate for federal legislative measures to improve mental health support and suicide prevention within the military community. In lending our voices to these efforts, we can contribute to meaningful change at the national level.
With Virginia’s possible removal from RGGI, what other sources of funding can Hampton Roads look to in order to prepare for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding? Editor’s note: Virginia regulators voted to formally remove the state from RGGI in June, after candidates first received this questionnaire. There are pending legal challenges to the decision. The crux of our regional success lies in our ability to unite as a collective, with all our cities playing their part, to secure these funding sources and fortify our region against the challenges posed by climate change. Hampton Roads has several alternative funding options to bolster our preparations for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding.
We can: Actively pursue federal grants from agencies like FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These grants are often geared towards disaster preparedness, infrastructure resilience, and community development. Allocate state funds for climate resilience efforts.
We should advocate for state budget allocations or even consider establishing our own local funding mechanisms request.
Collaborate with private companies and investors, opening doors to additional financial resources. These partnerships can be pivotal in financing resilience projects and fortifying our region.
Actively seek grants from organizations to support specific projects or initiatives to safeguard Hampton Roads. There are nonprofits and foundations dedicated to climate resilience and adaptation.
Venture into resilience bonds as a financing tool. These bonds involve borrowing funds for resilience projects and repaying investors with the savings generated from enhanced resilience.
Access community development block grants administered by HUD. These federal grants encompass various community development activities, including those aligned with disaster resilience and infrastructure improvements.
What forms of clean energy do you support and how quickly do you think Virginia should transition to them and away from fossil fuels? The pace of Virginia's shift away from fossil fuels should consider several key factors, including technological readiness, economic feasibility, and environmental objectives. Striking the right balance between addressing climate change urgently and navigating the practical challenges of transitioning our energy systems is crucial.
In terms of clean energy, I lend my support to various forms to include: Renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower are pivotal in our battle against carbon emissions. We should strive for a swift transition to these sources while ensuring the reliability of our energy grid.
Nuclear power can contribute to our transition efforts and has low carbon emissions. However, it comes with waste disposal and safety challenges that need careful consideration.
Energy efficiency across industries and households. This is paramount and reduces energy consumption and lessens our dependence on fossil fuels.
Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption is a powerful means to cut transportation-related emissions. We should invest in EV infrastructure and incentivize consumers to accelerate this transition.
Battery technologies which are critical for storing renewable energy efficiently, and ensuring a consistent power supply even when the sun isn't shining, or the wind isn't blowing.
Hydrogen because it holds promise as a clean fuel for various applications, but its adoption hinges on advancements in production and distribution methods.
According to a WHRO analysis that compares average income to average home prices, Hampton Roads housing is less affordable than any other metro area in Virginia. What can the state do to help people stay in or access safe, quality affordable housing? The state can take several proactive steps to enhance access to safe, quality affordable housing by:
Beefing up our rent control measures to put the brakes on excessive rent increases. Simultaneously, we must establish robust tenant protections to shield renters from unjust evictions and safeguard their rights.
Expanding the reach of affordable housing trust funds at the state level is crucial. This expansion can provide essential financial support for affordable housing initiatives, including vital subsidies for low-income renters.
Tailoring programs to meet the needs of our local workforce, ensuring that those who toil in the area can comfortably afford to call it home.
Putting our money where our mouth is and investing in transportation and infrastructure improvements. This will pave the way for broader access to affordable housing options, particularly in areas grappling with limited transportation choices.
Actively encouraging denser housing options like multifamily housing and mixed-use developments. This strategic move will significantly bolster the supply of affordable housing units.
Closely collaborating with local governments which will go a long way in aligning state policies with local housing needs and priorities. This way, we ensure that our affordable housing strategies perfectly fit specific communities. We can't afford to skip a step.
It’s long been said Hampton Roads should diversify its job market. What industries or areas should we target to create more mid- to high-paying jobs in the region and how can the state support that? Diversifying the job market is crucial for our economic resilience and growth. There’s opportunity in several key areas:
Clean Energy and Environmental Sustainability: Let's promote clean energy, like solar and wind power, and invest in green infrastructure. This will attract businesses focused on sustainability and environmental conservation;
Tourism and Entertainment: Our creative scene is thriving. We can boost our tourism sector by highlighting cultural attractions, entertainment venues, and fun activities. Investing in tourism infrastructure like music studios, sound stages, and transportation links will make us a tourist hotspot.
Education and Research: We can become an educational and research hub by expanding higher education institutions and research facilities. This will draw students and researchers from all over the world.
To make these ideas a reality, we need state-level support to:
Provide financial incentives by offering tax credits, grants, and subsidies, especially to startups and businesses investing in our region;
Invest in infrastructure because our transportation, digital connections and green energy infrastructure must be top-notch. It's worth the investment;
Develop the workforce by collaborating with educational institutions to create programs tailored to these emerging industries. Incentivize students to pursue careers in high-demand fields;
Streamline the permit and licensing process, especially for businesses in these targeted industries;
Partner with government agencies, private businesses, and educational institutions to drive innovation and economic growth;
Market and promote Hampton Roads as the place to be for these industries both domestically and internationally to attract thriving businesses.
District 96
Kelly Fowler, 42 Virginia Beach Occupation: Real estate broker
Why are you running for your seat? I'm running to continue serving my community and representing everyday Virginians. From lowering the cost of prescription drugs to raising teacher pay, we've made massive gains since I first joined the House of Delegates in 2018, but there’s more work to be done. I’m going back to Richmond to put people over politics and continue delivering real results for Virginia Beach.
A year after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade, what is your stance on access to abortion services in Virginia? In 2020, we passed comprehensive reform that removed medically unnecessary barriers to reproductive healthcare in Virginia. The government has no place making those decisions for people. What remains is a system that protects the right to an abortion and gives women, families, and doctors the freedom to make decisions about reproductive healthcare. After speaking with voters in my district and with the fall of Roe last year, I believe the common sense protections we put in place are what the voters still strongly support.
Does your platform on abortion procedures include other reproductive care like birth control, dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures or treatments of ectopic pregnancies? We don’t talk about this enough. The fall of Roe doesn't just jeopardize access to safe and legal abortion, but other forms of lifesaving reproductive healthcare as well. I oppose restrictions on these types of reproductive healthcare measures and will fight to protect our freedoms.
Do you support additional classes for public school students that have to do with the history of marginalized groups, such as Black history courses? Why or why not? Our history classes and our state-wide standards of learning should not be weaponized for political gain at the expense of our children. I support the accurate teaching of history from differing perspectives, including our nation’s greatest achievements, but also our greatest missteps, because our children deserve to learn an honest history so that we continue to grow and learn from our country’s past.
Should there be limitations on access to certain books and materials in school libraries and classrooms? If so, what are examples of limitations you support? Books and other educational materials should be age and topic appropriate, and parents, schools, and media professionals should be a part of the conversation. However, I believe that we should not limit the knowledge that children have access to and generally oppose book bans.
What is the role of parents in public education? As a former elementary school teacher and a mom of three school aged children myself, I have a broad perspective on this issue. I believe parents should be as involved as possible in their children’s education. Not all parents have the ability to be as involved as they would like, but generally parents trust their school communities to do what’s in the best interest of the children. There is no concerted effort to keep parents out of their children’s education. The idea that parents are being kept out is a myth being weaponized by politicians.
There’s been a rash of suicides on Naval installations in Virginia. While state lawmakers have a limited role in what happens on base, what can Virginia’s leaders do to address this problem? It’s incredibly sad to see our servicemen and women let down in this way. We know that living conditions, sailor pay, and other solvable but systemic issues have been the root cause of these tragic events. I will work with, and when needed push, my colleagues at the federal level to address these conditions and ensure that our sailors are taken care of and also have easily accessible mental health care.
With Virginia’s possible removal from RGGI, what other sources of funding can Hampton Roads look to in order to prepare for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding? Editor’s note: Virginia regulators voted to formally remove the state from RGGI in June, after candidates first received this questionnaire. There are pending legal challenges to the decision. The state’s imminent withdrawal from RGGI is a short sighted decision that will no doubt negatively impact the people of Virginia Beach. We all know flooding is a real issue that we can’t just wish away, and without those funds, we’ll be left to face the consequences of increased flooding disasters or shift the burden to local municipalities. We can’t let this issue fall further and further down our priorities list at a time when the need for increased flood resilience is rising. I will work with the state and our local governments to secure necessary funding where possible, but I sincerely hope the governor reconsiders the withdrawal.
What forms of clean energy do you support and how quickly do you think Virginia should transition to them and away from fossil fuels? I’m committed to ensuring that Virginia is part of the solution and not the problem when it comes to carbon emissions. To reach our climate goals as a commonwealth and as a nation — and unlock the economic potential of clean energy — we need to explore all avenues for renewable energy.
According to a WHRO analysis that compares average income to average home prices, Hampton Roads housing is less affordable than any other metro area in Virginia. What can the state do to help people stay in or access safe, quality affordable housing? As a Commonwealth, we have been very keen to address barriers to homeownership, and I’m proud of that fact. But we know that low income renters are struggling and that Hampton Roads has the second largest shortage of affordable housing in the commonwealth. Expanding the number of affordable housing units is one of the key ways we can address housing affordability. I will fight in Richmond to secure funding for such housing to ensure that our friends and neighbors can continue to afford to live in our community.
It’s long been said Hampton Roads should diversify its job market. What industries or areas should we target to create more mid- to high-paying jobs in the region and how can the state support that? From our colleges and universities to our strong relationship with the military, Hampton Roads and Virginia Beach have skilled workers but few jobs for them after they graduate or leave the service. We need to study what skills the people are coming out of school and the military with, only to take those skills elsewhere, and begin attracting those types of industries so that we retain top talent and grow our economy.
Nicholas Olenik, 41 Virginia Beach Occupation: Retired
Why are you running for your seat?
I believe our two-party system is broken. I believe voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. I would like to prove that we have more in common in the middle than just being a red or blue line tower. I want to be the adult in the room and legislate from the common ground middle.
A year after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade, what is your stance on access to abortion services in Virginia?
I believe abortion should be safe, legal and rare. But in the case of viability we shouldn't always have to kill the baby.
Editor’s note: Virginia law outlaws “partial birth infanticide,” which is defined by any “deliberate act that is intended to kill a human infant who has been born alive, but who has not been completely extracted or expelled from its mother.” Otherwise, abortions in Virginia carried out later in pregnancy are allowed after consultation with three total doctors who determine the pregnancy threatens the mother’s life. The law requires doctors to provide life support for the infant in those situations if there is “any clearly visible evidence of viability.”
Does your platform on abortion procedures include other reproductive care like birth control, dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures or treatments of ectopic pregnancies?
I support and encourage the use of many available preventative birth controls. And will always look to the viability of the fetus and choose life if the baby is viable.
Do you support additional classes for public school students that have to do with the history of marginalized groups, such as Black history courses? Why or why not?
I support teaching American history in schools more in depth. That includes Black history, Latino history, White history and Asian history. All of our histories are the same US history and we should cover them equally.
Should there be limitations on access to certain books and materials in school libraries and classrooms? If so, what are examples of limitations you support?
I believe we already have laws on the books that deal with providing pornographic material to minors. We should charge any public school librarian that's providing pornographic material to minors with the same crime as if a bookstore owner or gas station clerk sold a nudie mag to a minor.
What is the role of parents in public education?
I believe the parents should always have the final say on anything that happens with their minor child. While it does take a village to raise a child and a community, it will always be the parents' child first and their beliefs and ideologies should be the one's given first consideration when dealing with their child.
There’s been a rash of suicides on Naval installations in Virginia. While state lawmakers have a limited role in what happens on base, what can Virginia’s leaders do to address this problem?
We could expand the Brandon Act. We can also extend it to veterans just like it is to active duty. We can also encourage alternative therapies to better the mental health of all of our service members.
With Virginia’s possible removal from RGGI, what other sources of funding can Hampton Roads look to in order to prepare for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding?
Editor’s note: Virginia regulators voted to formally remove the state from RGGI in June, after candidates first received this questionnaire. There are pending legal challenges to the decision.
We could look to the private industry. And have our developers stop building in and on our wetlands. We could plant more native grasses and trees to soak up all of the flooding instead of pave in every area of the city and coastlines.
What forms of clean energy do you support and how quickly do you think Virginia should transition to them and away from fossil fuels?
I would love to see nuclear make a comeback. I support wind and solar but I appreciate when it's used at the source instead of the middle of a farmer's field or the middle of the ocean. Virginia should transition to these green energy products when it's feasible and doesn't cost more than the alternative. Why rush a good thing?
According to a WHRO analysis that compares average income to average home prices, Hampton Roads housing is less affordable than any other metro area in Virginia. What can the state do to help people stay in or access safe, quality affordable housing?
The city could start by building more high density, affordable housing units. Every new construction build I see is for more micro mansions and luxury condos. We should approve more dense residential real estate and try to build vertical on our lands in the city.
It’s long been said Hampton Roads should diversify its job market. What industries or areas should we target to create more mid- to high-paying jobs in the region and how can the state support that?
I would love to make Virginia the home to crypto corporations. The crypto market desperately wants to be an American market. And what better way to benefit from that than to encourage new cryptocurrency companies to set up shop here in Virginia first before anywhere else. These are high paying currently existing jobs that they would love to move to America and be legal and respected.
We could also look to the agricultural sector. Imagine if we unleashed hemp and marijuana in the fertile soils of Virginia. We could make Virginia into a powerhouse in an industry practically untapped in our state, but thriving in the black market. I say set up the retail marijuana market for recreational use and tax it and create a lot of new jobs.
Editor’s note: Virginia lawmakers approved retail mairjuana sales in 2021 but didn’t stand up the regulatory infrastructure to support such sales. According to the Cannabis Control Authority, lawmakers could discuss the topic in future legislative sessions.
District 97
Michael Feggans, 40 Virginia Beach Occupation: Small business owner and tech entrepreneur
Why are you running for your seat? After 20 years of service in the Air Force, I knew the best place to retire from the military and start my next chapter as a tech entrepreneur was back home in Virginia Beach. With the creation of the new 97th House District, I am stepping forward once again to continue serving the community I love. As a delegate, I will fight to protect reproductive freedom, support public education, help other veterans and support common sense gun safety solutions.
A year after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, what is your stance on access to abortion services in Virginia? I support the current Virginia law and the statutes created under the Roe v. Wade decision. Ultimately, Virginians have been clear about where we stand: politicians shouldn’t come between a woman and her doctor when it comes to reproductive healthcare decisions. Every patient deserves the right to make personal medical decisions without legislators in the room.
Does your platform on abortion procedures include other reproductive care like birth control, dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures or treatments of ectopic pregnancies? These procedures and treatments are bedrocks of reproductive healthcare. The best place for these decisions is in a medical provider’s room, between a woman and their physician. These should be medical questions, not legal ones. Nobody should ever be denied access to critical medical care because of unnecessary and burdensome restrictions. Across the nation, extreme bans and vague language have left many women unable to receive life-saving healthcare, and now many Virginia politicians are pushing those same radical policies here. In Richmond, I will oppose these bans and protect access to women’s healthcare.
Do you support additional classes for public school students that have to do with the history of marginalized groups, such as Black history courses? Why or why not? Virginia has a rich, diverse history, but in the past our public school system has often overlooked the experiences of marginalized groups. By offering courses on the history of these groups, we can fully equip students with the tools they need to thrive in an increasingly diverse and complex world. Certain high-level course offerings, such as AP African American Studies, help provide opportunities for educational advancement and an engaging curriculum for students historically underrepresented in these advanced classes, especially students of color. As a proud graduate and supporter of Virginia Beach Public Schools, I will always do what is best for our students. Censoring difficult topics in our classrooms only leaves kids unprepared. We must teach our full history — even when it is uncomfortable. By fully funding our public schools and ensuring students have access to a broad range of coursework, we can provide our children with a world-class education that prepares them for the future.
Should there be limitations on access to certain books and materials in school libraries and classrooms? If so, what are examples of limitations you support? There is already a well-established process for literature to be vetted before it enters a classroom and for parents to provide feedback if they feel the work is not appropriate for the grade level. There are far too many restrictions that are being pushed that would be unjustified and harmful to the education of our students. Anti-public-education advocates are pushing for aggressive book bans, even removing classic works like “Maus” and “To Kill A Mockingbird.” Diverse books, including those with sensitive and controversial topics, encourage open discussion and help students think critically about the world. We cannot afford for our public school system to become a political football. As a delegate, I will keep the government out of our libraries and stop censorship of books.
What is the role of parents in public education? In Virginia Beach, parents are encouraged and are active in public schools through mentoring, PTA, boosters clubs and other areas. I have seen this firsthand as a STEM mentor at various schools in the area. Parents always have and should continue to have a say in their children’s education. Parents should continue to be part of the conversation, and together with teachers, they make the best team to ensure the success of our children. We cannot continue to try to pit parents against teachers when we should be making sure that teachers have the resources they need to educate our students.
There’s been a rash of suicides on Naval installations in Virginia. While state lawmakers have a limited role in what happens on base, what can Virginia’s leaders do to address this problem? As a retired Air Force medical professional, I have dealt directly with ensuring that mental health patients had the proper care they needed while deployed and back home. As a young Airman, I lost a good wingman to suicide. I know firsthand the devastating impact this has. I will work to be an advocate for resources and support to ensure these tragedies do not continue. As a delegate, I would work closely with our community mental health partners to take part in Military Family Life Counseling, a program that allows military members and their families to be seen outside of the military medical network. This would allow service members and their families to seek care without fear of a negative impact on their careers, which has been a reason members have not sought the care they need.
With Virginia’s possible removal from RGGI, what other sources of funding can Hampton Roads look to in order to prepare for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding? Editor’s note: Virginia regulators voted to formally remove the state from RGGI in June, after candidates first received this questionnaire. There are pending legal challenges to the decision. Unless we take action, in the next 60 years, nearly 950,000 Virginians are expected to be at risk from major coastal flooding, causing $5.1 billion in damages each year. Moving forward, we need an all-hands-on-deck approach. Virginia Beach is already feeling the impacts of climate change in our coastal region every single day. Flooding, especially, affects all aspects of daily life. On top of affecting the environment, it impacts public safety, national security, transportation and housing. No other region understands the importance of protecting our national security like this one, and we know that combating climate change is a national security issue as it affects the readiness and infrastructure of our military installations. Because there is no realistic alternative to RGGI participation, our first responsibility in the legislature should be to keep this invaluable program in place. If withdrawal from RGGI is finalized, we will need to find at least $200 million per year from a guaranteed funding source to replace it and we can’t afford for it to come from public schools, public safety or transportation, and it can’t be subject to the whims of the governor and General Assembly every two years. This burden would fall on hardworking Virginians and small businesses instead of the major polluters if a solution is not found. The buck needs to stop with one person. That is why I support the creation of a chief resilience officer, who can connect the dots between agencies responsible for transportation, public safety, environment, conservation and housing. That leader must have staff and the support to strategically coordinate resources, prioritize projects based on effectiveness, and provide technical assistance to localities, who might miss out on federal funds if not given support.
What forms of clean energy do you support and how quickly do you think Virginia should transition to them and away from fossil fuels? Virginia Beach is uniquely positioned to efficiently use a broad range of renewable energy sources — especially wind and solar. As a small business owner, I have directly supported our growing offshore wind economy and look forward to continuing to support this sector as a delegate. We need to ensure that our grid is prepared for the upcoming transition to clean energy. In addition, we need to ensure that our workers in the fossil fuel industry are trained and equipped to participate in this new industry and are not left behind.
According to a WHRO analysis that compares average income to average home prices, Hampton Roads housing is less affordable than any other metro area in Virginia. What can the state do to help people stay in or access safe, quality affordable housing? As a delegate, I will work to increase resources at the Virginia Housing Development Authority, which is critical in helping Virginias to obtain affordable housing through home ownership classes and other resources. Being raised in Virginia Beach for most of my life, I know what it’s like to grow up here. But for many Virginia families today, they cannot afford to raise their kids here, as I was raised, because the cost of living, especially housing, is astronomical. As a delegate, I will work with my colleagues to ensure that Virginia families can remain in Virginia and live and work wherever they choose.
It’s long been said Hampton Roads should diversify its job market. What industries or areas should we target to create more mid- to high-paying jobs in the region and how can the state support that? As a cybersecurity entrepreneur and small business owner, I work directly to bring veterans into clean energy jobs and have seen the importance of this sector in our area. The two new pillars to bring Hampton Roads into the next chapter should focus on technology and green economy jobs. Virginia Beach is home to the newest transoceanic fiber cables that provide ultra-high-speed telecommunications to the world. We should continue to build off of this and invest in the infrastructure to bring high-paying tech jobs to Hampton Roads.
District 99
Cat Porterfield, 53 Virginia Beach Occupation: Realtor
Why are you running for your seat? I'm running because Virginia has a rich history of progress and inclusivity, and I refuse to sit on the sidelines and watch as dangerous extremists work to move our commonwealth and our country backward.
A year after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, what is your stance on access to abortion services in Virginia? Virginia is the last southern holdout when it comes to reproductive rights -- we have not limited these rights like our bordering states have, but Republicans are poised to enact bans if they can keep our House and flip the Senate. We don’t need lawmakers in our exam rooms, medicine cabinets or bedrooms. Receiving healthcare is not a criminal activity. Your body, your business. This is a non-negotiable for me and the majority of Virginians agree.
Does your platform on abortion procedures include other reproductive care like birth control, dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures or treatments of ectopic pregnancies? My platform on abortion is a bodily autonomy platform that applies to all Virginians. Healthcare is the business of healthcare workers and decision making is the business of patients. Neither is the business of lawmakers.
Do you support additional classes for public school students that have to do with the history of marginalized groups, such as Black history courses? Why or why not? Absolutely! I believe our students deserve to be taught the truth. Private and home schooling are options for those who choose to shelter children from accurate history.
Should there be limitations on access to certain books and materials in school libraries and classrooms? If so, what are examples of limitations you support? There are procedures in place for parents to opt out of certain books for their child. That is existing and is the only limitation I would support. I'd like to see parents talking to their kids about the books they are reading more often, instead of being outraged about what "other" kids are reading.
What is the role of parents in public education? To support their child in the school environment and work with educators so all students can get the most out of the public school experience. Create a learning environment at home. Read to and with your child. Let them see that you are a life-long learner by example. Teach children to be nice people at home and they will be nice people at school.
There’s been a rash of suicides on Naval installations in Virginia. While state lawmakers have a limited role in what happens on base, what can Virginia’s leaders do to address this problem? This is tough, because it's federal level. But so much of our population is military and military-adjacent. I'm not sure what state leaders could do to help other than speak out and encourage the reduction of the stigma of mental health in the services by offering mental health awareness as part of basic training. Stop the glorification of alcohol use. Promote positive masculinity and take reports of sexual assault and discrimination more seriously.
With Virginia’s possible removal from RGGI, what other sources of funding can Hampton Roads look to in order to prepare for rising sea levels and recurrent flooding? Editor’s note: Virginia regulators voted to formally remove the state from RGGI in June, after candidates first received this questionnaire. There are pending legal challenges to the decision. The net-zerocarbon emissions must still be met, but any costs associated with RGGI that the utilities were previously passing on to customers need to be diverted to municipalities facing sea level rise and flooding threats.
What forms of clean energy do you support and how quickly do you think Virginia should transition to them and away from fossil fuels? Sun, water and wind are the safest, cleanest forms of energy but we must work with clean energy companies, NOT Dominion or Appalachian Power. Virginia won't be able to make the right investments and decisions regarding clean energy solutions until these utility monopolies are kept from purchasing legislators through campaign donations. Dominion Energy has given $15 million in political contributions in Virginia — more than any other donor in history. Virginians also pay some of the highest utility rates in the nation. Until we have cleaner elections, we won't get a cleaner Virginia.
According to a WHRO analysis that compares average income to average home prices, Hampton Roads housing is less affordable than any other metro area in Virginia. What can the state do to help people stay in or access safe, quality affordable housing? Bump the minimum wage to $15 an hour; Allow homeowners (create an easier permitting process) with adequate space to build housing pods on their own property that can be rented out to others or to be used for family; Look for other opportunities for blended-use development and use existing structures/pavement footprints to avoid further flooding issues; Tiny home communities; Homeownership programs for state and city workers/teachers/police so they can afford to live in the city they work in.
It’s long been said Hampton Roads should diversify its job market. What industries or areas should we target to create more mid- to high-paying jobs in the region and how can the state support that? Offer incentives for the tech industry. We have some of the smartest people in the world living here — CIA, NASA, Navy, Air Force, Army — we need more jobs that keep our best and brightest here. Let's also incentivize these Virginians by helping them open their own businesses if they choose to stay here after service. We should also look into incentives for the film industry to choose Hampton Roads as a location. We have the right climate and landscape to grow film and other arts as a local industry.