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Cannabis Sniffing K-9s: Out of a job?

Premieres October 4, 7 p.m, on Facebook and YouTube

For years, a police dog's keen sense of smell was all officers needed to search a vehicle and make an arrest! But that changed in Virginia on July 1 when the Commonwealth became the first southern state to legalize cannabis. Learn why the new law is forcing police to either retire or find new duties for drug-sniffing dogs.

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This program is made possible (in part) by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.

The Cannabis Question Outreach Toolkit and Community Events

Curious about cannabis? Help those in your community learn more by hosting an event!

In September, WHRO Public Media hosted a screening of The Cannabis Question. This new documentary from NOVA investigates the latest scientific evidence for its potential benefits and risks, and how criminalization has disproportionately harmed communities of color.

The Cannabis Question Community Outreach Toolkit contains resources for community organizations to engage more deeply with the film and the issues it addresses through screenings and community discussions. These events can engage local scientists, healthcare workers, patients, public officials, and others in conversations that explore the science of cannabis, the risks and benefits of its use, and the impacts of criminalization of cannabis. The toolkit contains a background essay, strategies for planning different formats of events, discussion questions, a social media guide, and more.

Interested in hosting an event? Submit this event registration form.