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'Making Love Potions' with Stephanie Tourles

Courtesy of Stephanie Tourles

Among her many accomplishments, Stephanie Tourles is a raw food enthusiast, licensed holistic esthetician, and author. She resides in Maine and during the warm season maintains a surprising 90 percent raw food diet. She has a garden which consists of “berries, greens, veggies, all kinds of things,” she says. During the winter season, her diet is comprised of about 40 to 50 percent raw foods, and she enjoys green drinks, raw candy, and salads. She even makes her own nut milks! Readers will find smoothie and bake-free desserts inside Making Love Potions, true to the way that Tourles eats.

So what is all the hubbub over eating raw? Tourles says, “It really helps to keep the skin clear. Raw foods haven’t been heated, obviously, so they have all of their vitamins and minerals intact. The heat hasn’t altered anything, and the fats are nice and pure and they’re full of enzymes.” Eating raw over the past decade has truly helped Tourles’ digestion. She also says that she has a significant boost of energy, strong nails, and her hair grows faster. If fiber content is a concern for those who want to try a raw diet, she says, “that’s where your high-powered blenders come in so you can make whole food smoothies and frapps.” A great way to warm up the interior of the body in the winter and still eat raw, Tourles suggests, is to simply add spices such as rosemary or cinnamon.

Making desserts, Tourles says, is a “fun way to have date night” and adds that her dessert chapter aptly named, “Delectably Decadent Sweets,” includes herb-infused foods that are “great for your libido and good for your health.” True to the raw food mindset, none of the goodies Tourles includes in her book are baked, they’re completely raw, nutrient-rich, and easy to make.

One of the recipes called, “Mexican Dark Chocolate Blueberry Divine Fudge,” Tourles says is “chewy and it’s little bitter, a little sweet, but it’s spicy as well. It’s hot and rich and oh my gosh!” These would be perfect for Valentine’s Day (or anniversary, or just, any day for that matter!)

Another wonderful recipe, “Herbal Energy Balls,” is one that Tourles eats on a daily basis. These treats have a sweet-tart component which stems from raw honey, almond butter, and dried cranberries. The recipe also includes an herb called eleuthero root which Tourles says that if eaten over time “helps your body deal with stress better [and] it helps to build a core energy in the body.” Cinnamon is also added to stimulate blood flow and then the ingredients are rolled in shredded coconut and sea salt and shaped into balls a little smaller than golfballs. Tourles says these candies also leave a lasting flavor and are great for use as “kissing candy.”

Among drink and finger food recipes, Tourles also includes recipes for homemade perfume, massage oil, lip balm and so much more. Readers can peruse helpful information in the back of the book which will describe the uses for particular ingredients and trusted sources from which to obtain them.

Making Love Potions may be purchased at major bookstores or online. To learn more about Stephanie Tourles and how to live a more healthy lifestyle, visit her website.